Monday, July 28, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

So, I really have nothing to say today. I was on the phone with tech support from 8:30 to 12:00 for my computer software company. It was really long and mostly boring.

Came home and trimmed my dog's little faces because they are getting a little shaggy. So, I do their faces and then dad and I usually trim their bodies with our clippers. Yes, we are poor white trash and cut our own dog's hair. Do you know how much it costs to get 2 dogs groomed??? A LOT!!! And I could so use that money elsewhere. Like my own hair, or jewelry, or purses, or pajamas. heehee. They don't know and they could care less if their hair is a little longer on one side than it is on the other. They don't look in the mirror and they sure as shit don't go to a doggy park and sit around talking to other dogs about their horrible haircuts. Now, last time we did this, my dad just about cut Patton's ear off, which is why for the last 5-6 months, they have actually gone to the groomers. But, I have gotten over it and I think that Patton has forgotten about it. We even got brand new clippers because obviously the other ones were old and unusable. So, we will probably give that part a shot tomorrow night.

So, now I am off to get ready for bed. Sweet dreams, my friends. Love to all.


Kim said...

Remember when Trevor gave Alex a haircut?? Man, that was a botch job if I ever saw one. :o)

** Lindsay** said...

I had forgotten about that. Dad has yet to do that bad of a job, but there's still several haircuts to come. Lord, help my poor puppies.