Sunday, January 11, 2009


I know, I know..... I am the worlds worst blogger. Yet my bestest, most wonderful friend EVER still put me in her Top 10 list. She is the best!! So, I have no good excuse for not blogging, but would it help if I said that 2008 was literally the worst year in my entire life????? I was ill for most of it, in ICU twice, on the ventilator twice, in the hospital 3 times. That's how I put 2008 to rest and said hello to 2009, IN THE FREAKING HOSPITAL... So, please forgive me... All 2-3 people that even bother to come on here and check my blog. One of my resolutions was to be a better blogger.

See, one of the reasons that I never do this is because I have absolutely nothing to say! Isn't that horrible. I read KDK's blog and it's funny, witty and oh so ever enlightening... I strive to be as funny as she is. Truly the funniest person I have ever had the privilege of knowing. And thank GOD that she is my bestest friend. I am blessed.

I guess that my blogs don't have to be really, really long and insightful. Just basics would be alright. So, what the hey??

So, I am going to do my best and try to do this better. Think positively for me and maybe I can get some good vibes and write something clever and hysterical!!! Yeah, right.... Who am I kidding???


Something In The Glass said...

Hey, no pressure! That's the last thing I'd do to you! But, you are the funniest wittiest person that I've ever had the privilege of knowing. But blogs don't have to be funny. They can be cathartic, too.

Love you loulou

Browns said...

You are funny and you don't even know it!

Katy said...

Way to posted!!!! I'm glad I found you at a certain person's blog {the glass person ya know}. Hope you're doing well and I'm happy to be in 2009 as well. :)