Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Not a good time to be an Okie......

Ok, so just found out that Ada is getting a freeze out tomorrow night. Low for Thursday is 12 and high is 25. Yowza!!! That is incredibly cold.

SO, tonight is American Idol. The first 3 weeks are the best because it's when you get to see all the absolutely horrible people who think that they can sing and yet can't carry a note. I feel sorry for them because they don't have real friends. Their friends are like, "Oh my gosh, you are SO GOOD!!! You must audition for American Idol... " After the initial auditions, its all good people and that just gets a little boring. So, that makes me happy. 22 minutes and counting. But, there is a slight conflict..... Idol is from 7-9 and The Mentalist (fave new show) comes on at 8.... Thank heavens for DVR, that's all I got to say!!

It is a bad time to live in OK right now. I swear, every doctor on staff went to the freaking Championship game last week and this week they are all in a really bad mood. C'mon!!! You walk down the hall and keep your head down because they are just all pissed off!! I know, I know, OU was cheated, blah, blah, blah... Can you tell I am NOT an OU fan??? It's times like this that I wished I lived back in Texas. No, Longhorn fans are bitching too, so never mind..... Where can I go? I can move to Oregon and live with my bestie and family because their Oregon State Ducks won their bowl game.... Good idea, self!!!

Now, don't yell at me just because I am not a OU fan..... It's a personal opinion and I just choose to not go with the flow, but against it.... There are a few of us. I saw my friend Boadie at Chili's the other night and he had on a Texas sweatshirt and a Texas hat and I told him how proud I was to be his friend. He's big enough no one would give him any shit 'cause he'd smash em!!!! HaHaHa.

Ok, so long, farewell!!


Anniebanannie said...

So...a couple of things. First, I was born and raised in A-town so I KNOW the weather there is hellish.

Second...I'm so pumped about Idol. It is THE show and I'm a total addict. I'm loving TV right now b/c there are SO many shows on that are on hit.

That's all. I'll be back to visit.

Something In The Glass said...

Several comments:

Glad to not be there for the weather.

Even though I'm a fan, OU was not cheated. They just didn't show up.


** Lindsay** said...

I so agree with you!! It's like their bodies were there, but they had no spirit, none of their usual kick butt mentality.... I honestly expected it to be a runaway, OU 56 FL 21 or something that bad.... Boy, was I wrong... happy wrong, but still wrong...

Anniebanannie said...

Ok, getting back with ya...yes older sis grad in 92.
No, not in A-town anymore.

It's killing me here who you and your bestie are. I mean, being from Ada...there's gotta be a chance we've at least heard our names right?

I guess you could say I'm not too undercover with my pics pasted on my page huh?!

Something In The Glass said...

Annie Banannie...If your sister graduated in 92, then Lindsay and I probably knew her (at least by name). There's a link to my email on my profile page if you want to email me - I'm willing to forgo some of my undercover status so the curiosity doesn't kill ya! :o)

Something In The Glass said...

You got TAGGED!!! Come see my post today! :o)

Lennye said...

Okay I found your blog today while surfing around for Oklahoma blogs I came across yours.I thought it is interesting that you are from A. My brother went to high school there, married the daughter of the former minister at the First Presbyterian (sp?) Church. My step mom worked at Glennwood Elementary, before being diagnosised with cancer. I was born and raised in Ardmore, but now live in GA! So I am an OU fan living in the midst of the SEC!