Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Please Forgive me!!

This blog is 100% devoted to my friend Christy in an attempt to apologize. Christy is an old friend from our Chi-O days who I lost touch with but now she moved back to Ada and we get to see each other a lot more.

Christy opened a store called The Brown Box that is on Main Street right next to Papa Gjorgjio's #1. I love this store and Christy you know I do based off how much I spend in there. When I made the comment in a previous blog about having nowhere to shop, I truly meant for clothes for myself. Now if I were an infant aged 0-12 months, it would definitely be the best place in town, hands down.

I have bought so much stuff down there and then stuffed it in my purse so that I could sneak it in. Between her Tyler Candles (scrumptious), her pottery, her headbands, her purses, her jewelry and so many other things. How many baby showers have I relied on you for?? I don' know how else to say, "I'M SORRY." I hope that worked..

So, the parents left this morning and so far, so good. I think with my guard dogs to protect me, all will be well with the world. So, I am going to curl up on my couch with my drink and hopefully fall fast asleep into never, never, never land because I have a bad feeling about the two Dr app ts that i have tomorrow. Wish me Luck and Peace Out

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Today = good day

So, I yesterday I had my knee injected with some loverly steroids and painkillers and it hurt like a mutha..... But, the knee seems to be feeling somewhat a little better today. So, the pain and agony was well worth it. I told my orthopod that if things keep going down the same path that they are on now, as of January we are going under the knife (left knee replacement), he is going to have to get 2 anesthesiologists in there to assist with the intubation (needless to say, I am a HORRIBLE intubatee) and he could go to work doing what he does best. He laughed and said, "Well, since you have it all figured out, just tell me when to be there." I said, "No, prob doc" I love my orthopod and my PCP, they are husband and wife, work in the same building and I love them. First of all, she was at the hospital at 4:30 in the am when I was not breathing and stayed pretty much all day by my side. Love her!!! If she hadn't been on the ball as much as she was, we(the whole fam) truly believe that I would have died. Not a pretty picture. And he uses all the new techniquies, and his patients are in and out within days and can do therapy from home and not have to be admitted to the Rehab unit in the hospital. I am pumped for that!!! In 8 days, we (my orthopod and myself) are going to try this new thing where he injects synthetic synovial fluid into my knee. Basically, for those of you arthritis illiterate, the synovial fluid is what lubricates (haha) your cartilage in your knee so that the cartilage doesn't wear down. Without it, cartilage wears down and you have bone on bone action which is when it gets pretty bad and painful and downright makes me an unhappy bitch. So, that was yesterday.

Came home last night to find the cutest little motor scooter in the driveway. Dad broke down and got one. It's silver (so it matches his truck), seats two people, has a totally cute little place in the back where you can pick up the seat and put stuff like purses, bags, whatever in it. Mom, who two weeks ago was vehement about no way in hell was she getting on one of those. Well, she comes bee-bopping out of the house wanting to know if they were taking it to couples golf. Dad said, "Well, I am are you comng with me?" "Well, yes" was her response like what the hell was he talking about. It was so cute to see them take off going like 3-4 mph. I made them promise me that they would call the second that they made it safely to the country club. They were fine, but dad really wants a helmet. It's not law, but he wants one anyway and I am like "GO DADDY".

Today, we got up and went to garage sales for week #2. How proud are you of me????? I found the cutest little shelf (don't know where I am going to put it as of this moment, but I will prevail) for only $2. How in heaven's name could I not pass it up? It was a pretty unproductive garage sale day. Came home to find my youngest aunt here. She had come to Ada to see Poppi (my grandpa and her dad) and to take me shopping for my birthday. I really think that I am too old for my aunts to keep buying me birthday presents, but I sure as hell ain't saying no..... I'm not crazy.

So, she my mom and myself take off to Cato. LOVE THAT STORE. I was coming out of the dressing room and lo and behold their is my other aunt (mom's younger brother's wife) Now take into consideration that already bought me a pair of $29 earrings. This is the same aunt who lived in Arizona for most of my life and I never heard anything from either of them on my birthday. So, I try on this really cute little dress and everybody loved it. I loved it, put it the maybe stack and THEN looked at the price tag. For Cato, it was a little much so I put it in the no stack. When I was telling my mom what I voted for, my aunt Debbie was all into that dress. How much, what size, where was it. So, I thought she was going to get one for her. She check out and handed me the bag and said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I was like but you got me those earrings, and she waa all, "But that dress was too cute, you had to have it." Hey, I once again ain't saying no!!

Then, mom and dad and I made the trek to Pete's Place for my birthday dinner. It was divine. Heaven on a plate. I always get Chicken Parmiagian and it did not let me down. Yummy-Yummy down my tummy. Anyhoo, it was a great dinner. We brought more than 75% of it home for yummy leftovers. It was great.

oh, how could I forget??? I forgot to tell you guys that my mom and dad aren't leaving until Wednesday!!!! Make a me a very happy girl! This way, they'll be here on Monday and that is what counts!Well, this was a super dooper long one. Probably because I missed last night and will probably miss tomorrow night as well. So, you are getting a double dose of me!!! HaHaHa!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Well, Ada had rain today for the first time in what seems like forever. I had almost forgotten how much I hated rain. Almost. I had a docor appointment (OB / GYN) to find out why my hormone level is so low. I was told by the doctor that if I did happen to be pre-menopausal then my hormone level would be very, very high but mine is the opposite. Then she started rattling off all these possibilities and I was like, "I think my doctor has already tested me for that".... So, she wants to talk to my other doctor so that they can figure out what next tests I get to have. Can I tell you how excited I am about this? Yippee, more lab and x-rays..... It's a good thing that I have money and patience pouring out of my asshole or I just don't know what I would do!!!

Even though I am on strict orders that I am not to do any online shopping of any kind, it was so hard today after the doctor appt that I literally about ripped out my pretty hair. Eddie Bauer and Vera Bradley were calling me like the couch calls me when I get home every day. But, I prevailed. Granted, there are 11 things in my shopping bag, but I did not make it to the "Begin Checkout" screen. I was very proud. Now, last time I gave in to temptation (damn you shopping gods!!!) I had it mailed to my hairdresser's shop and no one was the wiser. It was make-up from Sephora so it was very easy to hide in my purse. OG is used to me doing this (hello, Christmas time) This was a while ago and next time I have decided to use my wonderful, dear friend Candy's house because she is also an avid online shopper. When you live in towns that have nowhere to shop, you have to revert to the world wide web. LOVE IT!!! I can be lazy and shop at the same time. My two favorite things....

Ok, Big Brother is over, Jessie is out and I am a happy camper. Muscled up, steroid using, cocky son of a monkey lover needed to go home. He was so sure of himself that his time was up. Of course, he got all mad at Dan but he didn't know that America told Dan to vote for Jessie. It was not his choice, meat head!!! Of course, now I really can't stand Michelle. She's getting on my last nerve.

I am off to my happy place, my bed. I get all happy just thinking about it. I love my bed. It's my haven, I can hide under the covers and pretend like when I was a little girl that no one saw me and that I was invisible!!!

Oh, and Kim... totally sad to hear that guy died! That is such a good movie and it wouldn't have been so good had it not been for the song. I remember us watching that movie over and over and over and over!!!! good times.....

Candy kisses and good night wishes!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Not much to say tonight. Went to work, had a meeting which went very well, worked a lot, came home to find out that my father wants to get one of those little motor scooter thing a ma bobs so that he can save $$ on gas. It's quite comical the thought of him driving down the road on a scooter with his little helmet. Cracks the shit out of me.

My parents are leaving Sunday and going to Houston for a week. Not to mention that my birthday is Monday and they will totally be missing it but that's really ok. What's another year, right? Every since my grandmother died on my 30th birthday, birthdays just haven't been the same. Plus I am the biggest 31 almost 32 loser that I know, so I don't need a reminder that another year has passed. But I am a little worried about the whole PTSD thing. I will be alone in this house for 5 days with no one but my dogs. And although I do think they are super smart doggies, I don't think that they can call 911 when/if I flip out, go back into failure and can't breathe. I know, I know, the odds of that actually happening are rare. I told my doctor that either she needs to sleep over for the week or I need to go over to her house. Her choice! Either is fine with me. I don't know why I am being such an idiot about this. I just need to grow up and get on with it. And I tell myself that every time I have an episode, but it doesn't help. Telling yourself that you are crazy does not make you any less crazy. I have tons of people that I can call and my next door neighbor is a nurse for crying out loud, but it is still really scary and it will be a good test for me. If I can make it through this, I can make it through anything. If I wasn't up to my eyeballs in work that I am behind on for missing 2 months, then I would be going with the parentals. Which would make me very happy. But, duty calls and I am the only one that can answer the damn phone. So, I need all of your thoughts and prayers and good vibes next week. I am officially sending out the SOS.

Anyhoo, I am tired and want to go lay down and look at magazines so I am getting off of here. Love to all and talk at ya soon!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who knew garage sales could be fun?

I know, I know, It's been a couple of days. What can I say? I forgot and when I did remember, I couldn't bring myself to go to the computer. So, here is the last couple of days in a nutshell. Saturday, got a wild hair up my bumhole and went garage sale-ing with the parentals. Mom had the list all ready in order of addresses, which ones were closest to which ones were farthest. First two totally sucked, lots of baby clothes that were stained and had holes. C'mon people, really!!!! Then we went to one in Norris Hills and I am thinking, "Maybe this one has possibility, it's in a good neighborhood and by the Country Club" The first thing I find is a pair of white capris from STEVE AND BARRY'S. I had hit the mother load. And they were even in my size. Couldn't be any better. I was so pumped. Got a GAP shirt and had an armful of Gap dress shirts but I decided against all the others and just got a couple. There was one that I wanted to get my dad really bad. It had this little ole man on it and it said, "I'm Jack Schitt. If anything happens to you and you need law help, just tell them you know Jack Schitt." I was rolling. Only in Oklyhomey. It was hilarious. Then I went to another one by myself and got two Nike shirts with $24 tags still on them for $1. It was like the clouds opened up and the sun shone right down on me.

My mom and dad had to be in a couples golf tournament and had to be at the country club like an hour before the thing started because they had to get everything "together". It takes you an hour to get your cart, get your water and put your clubs in the back of the cart? It takes 5 minutes to do that, they wanted to socialize and they know it. I dressed them and they had on matching outfits. Cutest little parents I have ever seen. Dad had on a sage green shirt with white shorts. Mom had a sage green/white shirt with a sage green "skort" (these things are huge with the female golfing community. Whatever. Mom had on a matching visor and socks. I was so proud I had to take their picture. They matched on Sunday too by the way and were not as equally cute, but still pretty damn cute. So, it was only like 8:00am by this time and I was like, are you kidding???? All that garage sale-ing and it is only 8:00?????? I technically should still be asleep. WTF????

So, I went home, back to bed for a little bit, then my room got really bright (I have shitty blinds) and the sun was shining right on my face. SUCK!!! So, I started my own garage sale stack. Went through all drawers and closets and got stacks and stacks and stacks of crap that I want to sell so I can get some $$$$ so I can make a certain trip to Oregon to see my bestest friend, her sweet baby and her awesome husband. See, Kim I am trying!!!

That's all, folks. Sorry it took me a while to come back. Been a long week not to mention tiring.... Loves and kisses to all!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Neighborhood Whore

Well, we all have one. The one girl in the neighborhood that when you see her coming towards you, it's like "RUN FOR SHELTER." It's time I talked about mine. She has now resorted to having so many men just sit around her and follow her around just wanting some attention. Some of the "suitors" have even scared away some of the others....

Here's the key. I will keep her name anonymous for everyone's safety. "Mandy" is a weinie dog. HaHa!!! Seriously, this little bitch (and I can say that because she is one) is in heat and it's like brothel city around here. She is totally ruining the reputation of the neighborhood. Thank goodness that my boys got the snip, snip and they could care less what she is doing and with who. Now, she's a weinie dog and scares the living shit out of my dogs. This little whore will come into our yard and when we let the boys out, she will bark at them until they run back to the front door saying, "We really don't have to go to the bathroom, we were just pretending!" Well, now there are boy dogs from everywhere, dogs we've never seen and dogs that are neighborhood dogs just hanging around waiting for this little bitch. I sat my boys down and explained that this is the kind of girl they don't want to have anything to do with because hell she could give them the clap or something!!!! Do dogs get clap? Anyway, some sort of doggie STD. Day before yesterday, picture this.... "Mandy" the weinie dog was getting it on with.......... are you ready for it.........ready....................... A DAMN ASS LARGE BLACK LAB!!!! Now I am not a genius, but I really don't see how that can happen. She's really short with really short legs. He's huge with large legs..... C'mon, really!!

Ok, so for last night's entertainment, she was getting it on with the cutest little Maltese. I was wanting to rescue him from her beguiling ways. Then, the funniest thing happened. Yes, they got stuck. Ole boy couldn't "get it out" per se. Everytime she moved, he kind of hopped behind her. Then they'd say, "Well, we're here might as well make the best of it." and go at it AGAIN. Then they'd hop around a little, get it on, you get the drift.

It's very, very sad that my evening entertainment is watching the neighborhood whore take her pick from all her suitors..... The damn ass ugly dog can get a ton of action, and what do I get? A big fat nothing. Something is wrong with this picture.

So, you want to see pictures of my dogs after their haircuts. They weren't participating, so I will attach some old ones. I have never done this, so bare with me. They are good boys and don't go after good for nothing ho-bags......
First one is Mac, one on bottom is Patton, my sweet boys.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today you guessed it........ It was a shitty day. My left knee is hurting so bad that I really want to cut it off. I had so much physical therapy on my left leg that all it managed to do was screw up the left knee. Fix one problem to have another one flare up.

The day started off and I knew that it was not going to be a good one. I wanted to stay home but I also had a mental picture of my desk and realized that I had to go in at least for a little bit. SO, off I went to work, I lasted until 1:00. That was a shocker. I then came home, put on my pj's and settled onto the couch. Mom and I were going to go swimming but it looks like it could rain, so we aren't going to go there.

So, another night of TV. At least Big Brother is on tonight, that will give me some comfort.

Goodnight, my fellow Americans! God bless you all.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Big Dog Haircut

Well, the dog haircut didn't go as bad as I thought. Now, you have to understand that my dogs are very sensitive about their feet. They don't like them touched at all. So, after a cut, they basically look like the Clydesdale horses. It's quite comical. Got a little close to Patton on the very first cut which was of course right down the middle of his back. So, he has a stripe looking streaky thing. It makes for a good story anyway. Poor little guy, sitting around with all his doggy friends and they will so make fun of it.

Mac was by far the easiest. He just stood there when we needed him to, laid down when we needed. Laid on his back so we could get his tummy, and he even let me (very gently) work on his front two feet. I was so proud of him. He's such a good boy. They both are. Can you tell that I love them just a little? I love them a lot and by golly they may be dogs but at least I can say that I sleep with two guys every night.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

So, I really have nothing to say today. I was on the phone with tech support from 8:30 to 12:00 for my computer software company. It was really long and mostly boring.

Came home and trimmed my dog's little faces because they are getting a little shaggy. So, I do their faces and then dad and I usually trim their bodies with our clippers. Yes, we are poor white trash and cut our own dog's hair. Do you know how much it costs to get 2 dogs groomed??? A LOT!!! And I could so use that money elsewhere. Like my own hair, or jewelry, or purses, or pajamas. heehee. They don't know and they could care less if their hair is a little longer on one side than it is on the other. They don't look in the mirror and they sure as shit don't go to a doggy park and sit around talking to other dogs about their horrible haircuts. Now, last time we did this, my dad just about cut Patton's ear off, which is why for the last 5-6 months, they have actually gone to the groomers. But, I have gotten over it and I think that Patton has forgotten about it. We even got brand new clippers because obviously the other ones were old and unusable. So, we will probably give that part a shot tomorrow night.

So, now I am off to get ready for bed. Sweet dreams, my friends. Love to all.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So Very Sleepy

Here it is, Saturday morning at 7:15 and it already really hot and muggy. Another miserable day in Oklahoma. I can already tell that this is going to be a GREAT day. So, I am going to make the living room as dark as possible and watch TV all day. That's my idea of a great day.

So, I went to a 4 year old birthday party last night. Started at 6:00 and all the kids went swimming. Yelling and screaming and they were having the best time. A large crowd of kids in his big pool usually kind of makes the birthday boy a little anxious, so he spent the whole time with another friend in the little "baby pool" if you will. He is so cute. I stayed in the house just because of the whole "outside, heat, possible dehydration" situation. I watched from the back windows. When it was time for his cupcake cake, he wanted to deliver each person their cupcake. I was inside and here he comes, "Lindsay, here's your cupcake". It was the sweetest thing ever!!!!

The I got on the internet and looked at all of the new Slpada jewelry. For those of you who don't know what Silpada is, it's the best jewelry IN THE WORLD. A little more pricey than a lot of jewelry, but this SO BEAUTIFUL.

Now to the bad part. I had so many stinking nightmares last night about being on the ventilator and not being able to breathe. It's the same dream, over and over but every time it's like the first time. I wake up gasping, crying, and obviously not wanting to go back to sleep. So, I got up 3 times in the middle of the night, I watched some TV, read my US magazine and this morning at 5:20, I had my cereal. I am so tired right now, I am a walking zombie. Once I finish this, back to bed for me. When I went to the eye doctor yesterday, he said that my vision has changed just since Tuesday, so he hated to give me new lenses, because what if my vision changes again by next Friday???????Damn, good for nothing eyeballs. I know, I should be grateful that I have them, but sometimes I wonder.

That is all, my darlings. All 2 or 3 of you that read this. LOVES AND KISSES!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Love of a Child

Today was a first class sucky, crappy, bitchy kind of day (except for one occasion which I will get to later). First of all, I forgot to blog last night. Here I am brand new at this and already forgetting and it hasn't even been a week!!! What is my deal???

Today at work I had to deal with a guy that I really can't stand. He thinks that he is the coolest thing to walk the halls of Valley View and yet he has to wear long sleeves EVERYDAY because of the amount of tattoos on his arms. He's late 30's, in a band, flirts with everything in a short skirt and is pretty much just an ass. But, unfortunately, he is in a position where if there is a problem with your computer, you kind of have to have his help. I have been trying to get his help with a conversion on my computer since July 1 and he keeps putting me off saying that he has called who he is supposed to and they won't call him back. SO, I decided to call his bluff today and I called the people myself. Got right through and immediately we had a time set up where THEY are going to do the conversion for me and I don't even have to deal with that worthless, lazy, son of a monkey lover!!!!

Then I go to another eye doctor to get new lenses for my glasses and they look at each other in confusion and look at the schedule and say "Oh, honey your appointment is tomorrow" Well, shit. Another lunch down the drain, monkey bitch!!!!!!

About 2:00, I get a notice that my dear friend has her 8 month old up at her office. Now, let me tell you.... I love this little guy. First of all, he has the biggest blue eyes and longest eyelashes on a little boy that I have ever seen. So, what do I do??? Walk as fast as my gimp leg will let me to get to him. He smiles at me and we start playing (while he is still safely in mommy's arms. I know enough to know that you don't just walk in and immediately snatch up a child, hence they will start crying. You also talk very softly, not loud as you will give the poor baby a heart attack) See, I don't need to have children to know anything about them. I love babies so much and all I want is for them to love me. So, mommy has to do some actual work for a little bit and asked me to watch him! Uh, duh!!! So, we play and sing and then I take him over to see her co-workers. Remember above when I said that there was one occasion that didn't make this day so sucky???? Well, get ready my friends because here it is. I handed him to one of the girls and IMMEDIATELY his little, precious, adorable face wrinkled up and he started crying. Then he did the one thing that I dream of all babies doing to me. He reached up his little arms for ME!!!! He has never done that. So, of course I immediately snatch him back from the evil, hateful woman that had to have him in the first place. He wouldn't go to anyone else and kept putting his little head a little closer to my chest everytime someone reached for him. I wanted to sing from the top of the hospital or something just as dramatic. But, given my luck, I would have fallen off the building into a lot of tangly, thorny bushes and crashed a little old woman that was being discharged. It was great. I realized that this innocent little angel knew that all I had was love for him and he felt comfortable with me enough to only want me. Last couple of days, I have not felt love from anyone or anything (part of the crappy, shitty day) but today, little Carson made it all better. He put a Band-aid on my boo-boo and made my day a little easier to deal with. Amazing what children are capable of doing!!!

I'm out, sorry about missing yesterday. It would have been suicidal depressing, take my word for it. You wouldn't have wanted to hear it anyway. Loves and kisses......

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Work, work and more work

Today was a very productive day for me. I got so much done at work - even though you still can't see my desk for all the piles of papers that I have everywhere. That almost 2 months that I didn't work I don't think I will ever get caught up on. It sucks when you are the only one that does your job and you have no backup to help out when a girl is close to dying. I mean, c'mon!!!

Then this afternoon I went to the eye doctor. Everytime I go, I am afraid that he is going to tell me that my eyes are inflamed again and I have to get an injection in them. Yes, people a shot IN MY EYE. Let me tell you, it hurts like hell. Then my eye gets all red and puffy from the medication that he just put in. But, lo and behold I actually got good news. He said that there was absolutely no inflammation and that I was good to go. About freaking time a doctor told me something good. I'm sitting in the waiting room and who is right across from me but my physician boss, Dr. VH. He is a very abrupt man but I think that he has a little soft spot for me because once we were alone, he looked at me and said, "Ok, how are you REALLY feeling?" I thought very quickly, should I lie and let him believe that everything is roses and sweet puppy dogs or should I tell him the truth so that if I do mess up at work in the near future, he will remember this conversation and cut me a little slack. Take my word for it when I say, this man shows no one any slack. Big time ball buster - if I had balls. Va-jay-jay buster I should say. So, I told him the truth. His response, "Well, shit." He says that a lot to me, when I take him something to sign or look at or tell him about another one of our meetings, pretty much a lot. He's kind of funny when he says it.

Anyhoo, so the girls at BVA are the best. I don't feel like a patient there, I feel like one of the girls. And, today they were all wearing these little flower rings that came off of cupcakes and they gave me one!!! FLOWER POWER!! I felt very special. I usually am scared to death everytime I go there because I don't want to hear bad news, but they always manage to make me feel better. Love them all for that!!

At least my day will end on a good note because Big Brother is on tonight. Very pumped about that. As I am watching it, I will feel a little closer to you, Kimmy knowing that you are watching it too. Sometime anyway. How does that work? If it is 8:00 here and 6:00 there, what time is it here when it comes on for you? That confuses me a little.

That was pretty much my day in a nutshell. Take it, enjoy it, wrap it up and put it in your pocket! Love to all....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Manic Monday

I hate Mondays with a stinking passion. After two days of sleeping late, doing what I want to do and not having to dress up, I really hate having to get back in the "Work" mode. It sucks the big one.

SO, I got my hair done. I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!! Cut a little off the bottom so it is pretty much even with my ears now, really short!!! It's just so freaking hot here, that I figure the less hair, the better. It's red and 2 shades of blonde. It's the freaking bomb! I have the best hairdresser in the world. She makes me laugh in addition to giving me great hair. Someone said that if everything is going to go wrong with me, at least I still have good hair. AMEN, sista!!

So, I have a very dear friend who went through breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. She told me today that I needed to start writing down all my feelings and thoughts, frustrations, and worries. So, I figure what a better place to do it than on here, right? I mean, I am not going to tell you all every one of my problems. You'd run from your computer screaming like a banshee. But a few of them won't hurt me. If you don't want to read it, you don't have to. I think I started this more for myself than for anything else. I have a new problem to add to my long list of already problems. Raynaud's Syndrome. Basically, my feet are turning purple and they are cold to the touch even though the rest of me is really hot. It's brought on by emotional stress. Now let's think about this, has anything happened recently that could cause me to have emotional stress??? Funny, isn't it? Now, there are a couple of you who might be mad at me for not telling you this over the phone, so let me explain. I have very few "really good friends". I have a lot of friends, but not ones that I feel a lifelong connection with. I probably have 5 really great people that I am blessed to call friends and only 2 of them know about this new problem. 2 of you live a really long way away and you already feel so bad that you weren't here for "the big event" that I just hate to add to it. And the last one, you are so dad gumm busy that I hate to add to your problems. So, consider this my way of telling you. I also have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I am having flashbacks, nightmares, whatever (the anesthesiologists say that it is my subconscious trying to remember) of being on the ventilator not being able to breathe and freaking plum out. So, now I am officially crazy. I don't want to be alone because I am afraid that it will happen again and this time the outcome will be different. But, if anyone looks at me or talks to me, you would think that I am the happiest person in the world, because of the wonderful acting that I do. I deserve a freaking Emmy for all my performances. Here, it's been three months and people are still flabbergasted at how well I am doing, they are so glad that I am alive and they have just been so worried. I can't go anywhere without someone saying something along those lines. It drives me crazy. "Oh, honey it is so good to see you alive and doing so well. How are you feeling?" yada, yada, yada. Just makes me want to curl in the fetal position and hide.

OK, enough of this sad and depressing shit. Can you cuss in a blog? Wouldn't know. Kim, help me out.... I know you are trying to cut back on your cussing, but come on. You, not cuss?? I have known you forever and I just don't see it working..... You know I love ya, sista!

Sheesh, I have wrote a lot today. Well, writing is good for the soul. Or so they say. Love to all and Peace Out!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today is a new day

Well, this is my first ever blog so bare with me and do not laugh at my inadequacies. I do not know all the abbreviations that I can sit here all day and try to figure out. Deal with it. I am inside right now because it is so stinking hot outside with no wind that it just makes for a miserable day. Today is the sidewalk sale in Ada and my mom and I went for a while. I got the coolest blinged out Fossil watch 50% off (LOVE A BARGAIN). At first, I thought it was a men's because it's a little big, but IT WAS NOT! Again, YEA!!! So, it's got a huge face with crystals all over it. It is awesome and I love it. I also got a pair of shoes, also a heck of a bargain. It's not like the sidewalk sales from back in the day where everything was so marked down, you walked out of there with one of everything. And 75% of the stores downtown didn't even participate so that part totally sucked the big one. But, that's ok because I still got to use the old credit card. I guess that's all for my first blog, not much else to say. Goodbye, farewell, I bid you all adieu!!